Commercial truck accidents often have the worst consequences. Even a minor crash involving an 18-wheeler, or truck, can cause devastating injuries. Such crashes and accidents, unfortunately, are quite common in Vermont. Immediately after an accident, you need to consult an attorney to understand the scope of a personal injury claim. Law firms like offer free consultations for injured victims. In this post, we are sharing the top tips to select a reliable truck accident lawyer.
Experience counts
Truck accidents are inherently complex. Multiple parties could be at fault for the same accident. Also, because of these vehicles’ sheer weight & size, the damage can be considerably high. Victims often suffer head & brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, bone fractures, and paralysis, and just getting fast paid for medical bills is not enough. It would be best if you found an attorney who works on truck accident cases regularly. While most cases are settled outside of court, there is always a chance that the matter ends up in trial. Ensure that the lawyer you choose has courtroom experience. To know an attorney better, you can ask about their landmark settlements and cases.
Know your claim better
As we mentioned earlier, many truck accident lawyers offer a free initial consultation, which is a good window to understand your claim better. If you had a share in fault, this could impact what you receive in compensation. Also, just because you were injured doesn’t always mean a huge compensation. Let an attorney do every aspect for you. If the lawyer agrees to take the case, they will do a detailed investigation about fault and liability. A good truck accident lawyer often relies on advanced tools and options, including accident reconstruction. You can also get a fair understanding of what to expect in the settlement.
Discuss the costs
Usually, personal injury lawyers in Vermont work on a contingency fee. The lawyer only gets paid if they win a settlement for you. The fee is 25% or more of the final settlement but typically doesn’t exceed 40%. Additional expenses are likely in such cases, including the cost of investigation and litigation. Your attorney can advance these costs for you until you get the settlement.
Finally, ensure that your lawyer is available to answer your questions. An expert attorney knows what it takes to see through bad faith insurance tactics, and no matter the circumstances, they will ensure that you get what you deserve.