More frequently, consumers are recognizing that more businesses are setting up QR codes to better promote their business. These Quick Response Codes (QR) are user-friendly, digitalize brands’ products and services, and serve as effective marketing tools. As users’ smart devices continue to improve, these QR technologies integrate seamlessly into modern-day routines.
While code-reading technologies are familiar within the market, companies may utilize these simple and effective technologies to make their businesses more relevant to consumers. As a solution, companies may reach out to a local mobile app development company, like Sunlight Media LLC in Los Angeles, to configure and modernize QR codes to best promote the company brand and boost productivity.
Why Use QR Codes?
When using QR codes, businesses may reach out to more customers in a more mobile-friendly manner. Due to the versatility, QR codes may be displayed on printable advertisements and promotional materials or display on websites or social media profiles to redirect users to other relevant sites. Moreover, building your business using digital media may boost overall leads and conversions to better reach business objectives.
Commonly, businesses within the restaurant industry benefit significantly when opting into a QR code campaign. For example, these business types display a QR code on the table for customers to scan and preview the menu in a simple and straightforward manner. However, these QR technologies also serve to attract more users to surveys, learn more about promotional events, and interact with brands’ products and services.
What is a QR Code?
Basically, Quick Response codes (QR) are storage mediums that store a limited amount of data. Other examples of storage mediums may be floppy disks, CDs, and thumb and hard drives. QR codes do consist of data size limitations categorized by QR versions.
These versions come in standard sizes however, the largest version is version 40. For this QR version, the capacity is around 2500 Bytes (3 KB) of storage. By comparison, a floppy disk only has a data capacity of only 500 Bytes. Presently, QR codes interact with most smartphone card readers and apps to make online navigation easier.
Differences between QR and Barcodes?
In simple terms, a barcode consists of machine-readable data and information about specific products that they are attached to. Used mostly for managing inventory, barcodes contain a string of alphanumeric characters, which includes about 20 characters. Barcodes may also be a UPC or SKU, which may only be read by a compatible scanner and software. Barcodes work when a scanner sends light to the 1D and horizontal pattern and retrieves the reflected light back to obtain information.
QR codes are very similar to a barcode, except they consist of more data. One of the major differences is that QR codes have higher and finer DPI prints, which makes scanning easier from various orientations. Unlike barcodes, QR codes may redirect users to website URLs, images, google maps, and app store applications. Also, QR consists of error-correction technology, which makes them scannable even when the sequences are blocked or damaged.
QR Error Correction
As previously stated, QR codes consist of error-correction technologies. Due to the design, users with smart device card readers may scan and detect QR codes that are damaged or missing. Depending on the instruction, QR codes may allow users to recognize the codes based on different levels. Corrupt QR codes may be assigned to only be recognized when 7% of the data is missing or corrupted. Error Correction may be applied to up to 30% of corrupted data.
As an explanation of the process, QR codes consist of three blocks on the corners of the code. These dots and blocks allow users to capture the code from any orientation. Moreover, the smaller blocks within the QR codes better assist the scanner with reading and interpreting the codes. Due to the design, QR codes may prove more beneficial than using barcodes when determining storage capacity, functionality, and code reading reliability.
How to Scan a QR Code
While there are many apps available on the App Store or Google Play store, most smart devices include card-reader technologies to detect QR codes. Users may interact with QR codes using smartphones, tablets, and watches. Typically, a mobile user may hold up their camera to the QR code. Next, the camera will identify the code and require the end-user to tap on the code presented on the screen to receive a popup notification. Finally, users may open the new window seen on the popup to engage with content and brands’ products and services.
What do QR Codes Require?
While QR codes are identifiable from smart devices with card readers, the codes require a specific set of instructions when developing. Businesses must determine which image, video, music, game, or another file they wish to share with customers before developing the QR code. Next, the QR code needs to be compatible with the desired platform of the companies choosing.
In terms of programming, a QR code may be developed using a variety of codes. Most of the time, QR codes are developed using HTML, Javascript, and CSS. However, businesses may navigate various online services for automatically generating QR codes for their business too. Lastly, QR codes require a modern browser. In other words, QR codes that redirect users need strong WIFI or internet connections to reallocate traffic to working URLs.
Drawbacks of QR Codes
While QR codes are simple to use and great for digitizing business brands’ products and services, there are a few drawbacks to consider when using the codes. First, QR codes are susceptible to data theft and hacking. Since users interacting with the QR codes are engaging with content online, the redirection may navigate users to less secure sites. In this instance, an unsecured network or website may comprise various user data that are easier for hackers to retrieve.
Another drawback is that QR codes typically require a strong internet connection for interaction. Without a strong network connection, the QR codes may not direct users as intended. To add, QR codes are not always visually appealing and the aesthetics may draw customers away from engaging with brands’ QR codes. Lastly, QR codes may obtain users’ information such as name, email addresses, and recent locations.
Benefits of Using QR codes
Without a doubt, QR codes include some user risk during the interaction however, enterprises may rely on the codes to simplify business processes, run marketing campaigns, and generate more productivity.
Primarily, QR codes assist businesses with modernizing and digitizing brands’ products and services. In most cases, a QR code is used for increasing offline engagement. This means that customers do not need to visit a website or physical retailer to obtain products or services. Instead, a quick code scan offers users brand offerings. In return, businesses may reach out to different target audiences while redirecting users to brand-specific pages and websites.
In terms of marketing, businesses may use QR codes to generate more sales, increase conversions, and boost brand value. QR codes may be configured with real-time scanning sequences that provide different promotions and products over a period of time. For example, users may scan the QR code during different parts of the day to receive promotion updates, redirects to social media pages, and schedule coupon offers. Moreover, QR codes may increase overall business reviews. For instance, a QR code may redirect users to a company Yelp, Google Business, or Facebook reviews page.
Due to the design, a QR code may be placed at a physical location where there is more customer traffic. By strategically placing a brand QR code in ideal locations, users may scan the code and review brands’ products and services within several moments. As a result, companies reduce overall expenses on printing advertisements, coupons, and other promotional content when opting into QR codes.
QR Tracking
For marketing purposes, QR codes may include tracking capabilities. Marketers may benefit greatly from the data provided on QR codes to analyze consumer behaviors and brand purchases. By using a dynamic QR code, the codes may be tracked to show various data such as time, location, date, and the platform used to detect the QR code. Also, this data may include important information for tracking the progress of a specific campaign.
Depending on the campaign, the data from QR codes may also reveal records that indicate which brands’ products and services are being reviewed by customers. By looking at the number of scans scanned times, and the operating systems used for scanning, marketers may better understand their target audiences. In return, this data will allow businesses to market more relevant products and services that are more relevant to user interests.
QR Code Generators
While manually developing a QR code is an option, there are various QR code generators available for users online. The basic plans for most QR code generators may be sufficient for most businesses however, there are paid versions with more options. Depending on the campaign, some QR codes may need to be tracked, including real-time promotional updates, or be configurable to match brand values.
With Supercode, users may create and manage QR codes for their business. Supercode has both static and dynamic QR code templates available for users for various business campaigns. Included in these templates, users may customize color schemes, QR design, and logo display to match the company brand. Within the program, Supercode offers users the ability to redirect QR codes to more relevant and promotional links even after printing the codes.
With Supercode, users may also track progress and review code analytics. With a user-friendly dashboard, users may track Return on Investment (ROI) and user-specific metrics. This includes which operating devices are being used, the frequency of scans, and scan locations and times. Also included, Supercode offers informational and marketing articles and resources for optimizing QR codes to meet business objectives.
QR Code Monkey
QR Code Monkey is another QR code generator for companies. Marketers may use QR Code Monkey’s free version for simple and quick QR code creation. Within the program, users may configure QR codes with various functions that include URL, text, email, phone, SMS, social media, and maps. Other functions may include redirects to network connections, event promotions, reviews, and app store applications. Also included with QR Code Monkey are QR Code customization, tracking, and file management.
YKART QR Code Generator
YKart is a QR Code Generator available on the Google Play Store. Android users may download the app and begin designing and developing the QR codes. The YKART QR Code Generator offers QR code file saving and sharing capabilities, different templates, color customization, and logo embedding.
Additionally, users with the app may paste their QR code directly onto their device’s photos or design QR codes with unique design shapes. Lastly, users may choose which location to redirect users. This includes QR code redirection to texts, emails, phone numbers, locations, WIFI networks, and URL sites.
In summary, QR Codes assist businesses with attracting more users to brands’ products and services. Due to the design, the QR code allows smart-device users to quickly review brand offerings simply and effectively. When used correctly, marketers may use the data from QR codes to track specific user data to better promote their brand. Additionally, marketers may optimize these QR codes to increase user engagement productivity.
Sunlight Media LLC in Downtown Los Angeles, California. As a Project Manager, Jhon collaborates with clients on website design and development, marketing, and creative solutions for campaigns. In addition to Project Management, Jhon is a content writer who writes articles that rank well on Google and other social media platforms. His skill sets include social media marketing, eCommerce, brand development, programming, web design, and graphic design.