
How to write outdoor ads to sell food products

It’s a world of digital consumers, and every business is competing for attention. Research has shown that an averagely of 1700 ads per month serve an average person. But the sad thing is that only less than half of those banners get to be viewed. In a saturated environment like the food industry, new names can easily get lost in the sea of competition. If you don’t impress, you know your effort on the outdoor ad is wasted.

But you don’t have to go the failures’ route; all you need is to embrace tips that will make your food ads more effective.

Strike a chord with your diners

The food ad has the power to communicate a catchy and compelling message to diners. Just like people, brands have values and unique personalities. Assume that your restaurant was a person; what would they sound like? What kind of message would you wish to communicate, and what packaging would be effective? Don’t ever think people have time to pay attention to noise- nope. Get your message as emotional as possible- research shows that such have twice as much effect as those with purely rational content. Get a quote and consider a message you want your food store to send out when it comes to emotional content. Probably you want to emphasize the importance of using organic ingredients. Show the public what your business genuinely cares for.

Keep your ad interesting with visual storytelling.

Do you remember the saying that “a picture speaks a thousand words?” imagine rehearsing the same ideas that more than a thousand other brands are using. That can be so annoying to your audience. Having novel images on your poster or billboard can be so refreshing in the eyes of your customers. Statistics show that 55% of audiences recall content when appealing images are included. In today’s world, crowded with digital content, the attention span of consumers lasts for barely 8 seconds. Thus it will be more effective to tell your brand story through images. Visual storytelling is about showing rather than telling, and therefore you’ve to embrace such.

Color Color Color!

If you know color, then you know the secret in it. When colours are used effectively, they’re fun and will affect consumer behavior. Checking several restaurant ads, you’ll realize a particular trend. Posters or billboards for fast food chains use brighter colors as a reflection of energy. As you play around with color, also think of the contrast. That is what will make your ads stand out.

Don’t “cheat” on that poster.

Every brand often uses claims to entice customers, and the customers are more discerning than ever in making food choices. Credibility is crucial, and that you achieve it through facts. Most business people think that they can ‘lie’ and get away with it. It’s only a matter of time, and your recent work loses credibility. Tell them the truth about what they expect, and they will respect you for that.

When designing your food store advertisement, you should make sure that it is as appealing as possible. Tell your customers and prospects what they expect when they visit your store. Most importantly, your outdoor advert should have a clear “call-to-action”.

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